Cook Error with UE4 Engine Assets/Code

Good afternoon guys

You know that “path file is too long” error that we all love to complain about. I sorted it out on all of my own assets with renaming. However, the project is now failing to cook due to this error:

" LogCook: Error: Couldn’t save package, filename is too long :D:/Dropbox (W.R.K.S Group)/WRKS/[Games]/Blood Bond - Into the Shroud/Code/Release1/BloodBondRelease1.021/Saved/Cooked/WindowsNoEditor/Engine/Content/Functions/Engine_MaterialFunctions01/WorldPositionOffset/SimpleGrassWind.uasset

There are several of these, and these are UE4 Engine assets, weirdly I am not even using the SimpleGrassWind on anything anymore in the project.

Any ideas what is going on here?

best regards

Kosala Ubayasekara
WRKS Games

This has been resolved. Moved everything to the base drive to shorted URL lengths, and the engine assets sorted themselves out too.