how to setup a translucent mirror floor with hills ?

I think this material is quite challenging to achieve, as I struggled for hours with it.
I’m creating a very specific mood, involving a highly reflective floor, with very sharp reflection of the player. (mirror-like)
I also want it to be translucent. (like a slightly tinted Plexiglas)

I could use a scene capture 2D, placed under the floor and following the main camera, but there are some limitations that I don’t know how to overcome :

  1. if there is a hill, I want my character to get a distorted reflection.

  2. my floor can be used as a floor on both sides : Player A can be on top of the plane, while Player B is upside down walking on the ceiling.
    In this case the scene capture 2D, which would be used for reflections, would see player B top side, and I want it to see only player A from below.

I also tried with just a very high specular, low roughness and high metallic, but the reflections are messy.

Any idea ?

Here is a side view of the situation :

scene capture 2D is not meant for hills, its for flat mirrors. You can distort the uv’s of it with the normals from a texture and the vertex normals itself. The only issues is that your floor will only look correct at the position you place the scene capture 2D.

Only “solution” are:
-Place camera in such a way that the screen space reflection will do it’s job.
-Having a flat floor.
-Not having mirror being super accurate.

Until some voxel or ray tracing comes along these are your best options.

Until some voxel or ray tracing comes along
which won’t come anytime soon