Turning on "simulate physics" on a child actor messes up its world position

Hi there,

imagine the simple setup from the attached picture. Just an actor based blueprint “test” which has as a root component a static mesh “root_box” and another blueprint “Shape_CylinderBP” added to it as a child actor. The “Shape_CylinderBP” is also based on the actor and contains nothing else than the cylinder static mesh in its root.
Both blueprints has empty construction and event graphs.

Now if you place the “test” blueprint to the scene with “simulate physics” turned off on both the box and cylinder and hit simulate/play, you get the correct behaviour in UE4.2.1, UE4.3.0 and UE4.3.1. → The cylinder sits still on the box.

However if you turn on the “simulate physics” on the cylinder (in static mesh component of “Shape_CylinderBP” blueprint) and place the “test” blueprint to the scene (say to world location (300, 150, 50) ) and hit simulate/play button a weired thing happens in UE4.3.0 and UE4.3.1 (UE4.2.1 works fine).
The thing is the cylinder is (immediately after simulation/play begins) “teleported” to location (600, 300, 100). The only explanation I have is that the world transformation of the “test” blueprint (given by its placement in the scene) is applied twice to its child “Shape_CylinderBP” blueprint (the cylinder).

Could you, please, investigate and fix asap! I hoped for a fix in UE4.3.1, but it’s still there.:frowning:

Thank you in advance!

Howdy woodoo81,

Thank you for your bug report. I was able to reproduce this issue easily in 4.3.1. I also came across a larger problem when moving between build with the Blueprints, so thank you for bringing this bug to our attention. I have entered the bug in our database so that it may be fixed in a future release.

Thanks again and have a great day!

Happy to help make the great engine even better.:wink:

I have a similar problem in UE 4.16. Is there any fix to this problem?