How to add nitrous to a vehicle by pressing a button

I have an imported car and I am looking to add a nitrous feature to it which is activated by the pressing of a button (right shift). I would like it to last for around 5 seconds, and then regenerates slowly as the vehicle moves.
Could you please include screenshots of the blueprint as I have no idea where to start, as I am relatively new at using this.
Thanks in advance.

you need to learn more on your own. if you dont know even where to start then you need to up your skills a bit before taking this on.

that said i would start by looking into tutorials on sprint mechanics since its basically the same thing. the basics are to have a variable for the amount of boost you have. then on button press have a timer that triggers at a regular interval (how quick you want to drain the boost). then all you need is to set the velocity.

i didnt tell you every detail here so theres still some blanks that need to be filled in but theres some hints there on where to start. try to come up with something on your own and once you have something if it still doesnt work then come back and ill help you fix it.

The thing about wheeled vehicles is that they are physics based so it’s difficult to increase top speed or acceleration using specific, simple values.

The fact that they are physics based does provide some use though: look into Thrusters.

However, like said, you need to look up some tutorials and play around with the editor, look into relevant nodes by dragging off of any actor component and looking through the list of available nodes with Context Sensitive checked.

It’s amazing how many people want to start out making things even we would find challenging. Nobody wants to start learning the basics. No one would get into rock climbing and head straight for K2.

Ezra, to start out you should not build your own project. You should watch beginner tutorials and build the projects they do. When you are more familiar with UE4 you will be able to apply those skills to your projects.

We aren’t here to teach you UE4 or build your project for you. We’re here to help you as you take the journey we are on ourselves.

And since I’m here, I may as well chime in on the question itself. I’d use a timeline that adds to the base speed smoothly. With something like nitro boost I think you’d want to have it ramp up to the top speed relatively slowly, hold it based on the tank size, and then peter off pretty quickly. That screams timeline to me.