[4.3.1] Link errors with AIController


I’ve read similar posts here and here and I still can’t get my AI program to link. It flags linking errors on all functions of the AAIController class, even though I added the AIController header. I’ve inverted the order of headers but to no avail. It there an additional project to compile or a module to flag before compiling the base UE4 project ?

I’ve updated to the latest source [4.3.1] from GitHub. Here’s my tentative combination of all I have read so far (based from old tutorials from Mike Purvis and Chad Reddick).


// TutorialController.h

#pragma once

#include "AIController.h"
#include "BehaviorTree/BlackboardComponent.h"
#include "BehaviorTree/BehaviorTreeComponent.h"
#include "BehaviorTree/BehaviorTree.h"
#include "TutorialController.generated.h"

class TUTORIALCHARGED_API ATutorialController : public AAIController

	TSubobjectPtr<class UBlackboardComponent> BlackboardComp;

	TSubobjectPtr<class UBehaviorTreeComponent> BehaviorComp;

	virtual void Possess(class APawn *InPawn) override;

	void SetEnemy(class APawn *InPawn);

	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Behavior)
	void SearchForEnemy();

	uint8 EnemyKeyID;
	uint8 EnemyLocationID;


#include "TutorialCharged.h"
#include "TutorialController.h"

ATutorialController::ATutorialController(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)
	BlackboardComp = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UBlackboardComponent>(this, TEXT("BlackboardComp"));
	// Components.Add(BlackboardComp); // I had to comment this because it created problems of its own.

	BehaviorComp = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UBehaviorTreeComponent>(this, TEXT("BehaviorComp"));
	// Components.Add(BehaviorComp); // ditto.

	bWantsPlayerState = true;
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

void ATutorialController::Possess(class APawn *InPawn)
    // Nothing yet

void ATutorialController::SetEnemy(class APawn *InPawn)
    // Nothing yet

void ATutorialController::SearchForEnemy()
    // Nothing yet

You would need add AIModule to your PublicDependencyModuleNames in your project build.cs

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "AIModule"});

Cheers !


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