How to place a turret in my level (TowerDefense)

I do a TowerDefense game, and i’m stuck about the turret placement. In many towerdefense, when we drag a turret that we want to buy, we have a preview of the turret who follow the cursor. You can see what i talking about here : Tower defense prototype - Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube

I have try to do that but on drag nothing happen.
To do that i have duplicate the tower actor and creat a material who set his color to blue. This is the preview and i have called this “ghosttower”.
I have also created a grid with bloc who allow the user to place a turret.

I have created a widget with a text where is write “turret” and when we drag this text, the preview of the turret should appear in the world and follow the cursor. When we drag the text and we have the cursor over a box on the grid then we have the preview

I have search a lot of time on the internet to find a issue … But nothing about that.

Any answer is welcome :slight_smile:

(The variable “dragged ?” is check sorry for this error)