Is it possible to make a Worldmap from the WorldComposition itself?

Hello Folk!

Im searching a good way to make a simple Worldmap beside my Minimap. The Worldmap should include also Namings for Citys and Areas and should show the actual Position from the Character and maybe other things like placed markers or Events/Questends for example. Maybe its also possible to use both, i mean, if i press M and open the Map i see it in big and can scroll in,if i close it it will spawn the map as a small minimap somewhere in the screen. So i also can safe performance i think, if i use the same twice.

For give you a better imagination, i mean something like the Fortnite Worldmap. A 2D textured worldmap. Minimap is the same but its a small version. It also shows Text (namings from Citys/Areas), actual Position of own character and placed markers.


Hope i didnt explained that bad.

As i am using World Composition with 6x6 Tiles, i saw that the World Composition itself shows already a Map with the position of my character. Is there a way to capture and render it somewhere with extented functions? Or how should i start?

i doubt that there is a way to use the world composition map as a world map since the tools get stripped out during packaging most likely. also the map you showed and most maps in games a prerendered images. as for making a minimap i would look into using a scene capture 2d.

And how i could transform the actual Characters Position to the prerendered imaged worldmap?

For the Minimap its easy, just center the scenecapture2d over character? :smiley:

i dont know for sure on that one since its not something ive ever tried to do. i think theres a way to do it using widgets.

Mhhhh… At all i think its a costable solution if it comes to Teammates Positions too… :confused:

What u think how the Graphical Example is made i posted above? Is it a stylized SceneCapture 2D? Or how would you do a WorldMap?

i couldnt really say ive never tried to make a world map but i imagine there are several ways to do it and a capture probably would work or some widget trickery. but like i said i couldnt tell you since i havent tried it. i did find a page for someone who made a world map and quest system that may be of a little bit of help that i will link below.

Ok this looks very exact like what im looking for.
I really appreciate your help, thanks :slight_smile: