Infinite loop error

I want to create a block where the pawn can walk through, but when jumping on it I want it to walk on it (so that collision will go to BlockAll?). I made a blueprint for it, but when colliding with the block it stops the game and gives an error message.

This is my current blueprint:


The idea of walking on it is kind of like in Terraria where you can walk on stairs when jumping or just pass through when going left/right, but when pressing downarrow you will fall off.

that error means that the same thing was run so many times in a frame. your code is to undefined to ever function well. for instance you are never defining what should cause overlap events with your rendercomponent so anything in your scene could cause overlaps. to fix this drag off of the other actor pin on your overlap events and cast to something like the character class so that only characters will trigger the event. you may also want to add in some flow control so that the events dont get triggered so often. you could use a do once and a delay for instance to only allow the events to fire at an interval of the delay duration.