.ini file with special characters


Is it possible to write and read special characters from a .ini file?
I can iterate through the elements in the file and obtaining the It.Value() for each key, but that’s a FString and I need to recover values with special characters. Any idea please?

Thank you in advance,

for (FConfigSection::TIterator It(*Configs); It; ++It)
	const FString& KeyString = It.Key().GetPlainNameString();
	const FString& ValueString = It.Value();

FString’s can contain any special characters within the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane. That includes the large majority of special characters used by most languages.

So depending on what characters you’d like to store that should be fine.

I am debugging the map and this is what I find in the interator:

As you can see there are some characters missing (ÁÉÍÓÚ¿) that are included in the Latin-1 Supplement block. This block is within the Unicode Basic Multilingual Plane so they should be displayed.

Solved. The config file must be UTF8. The default type is UTF8 w/o BOM