Erratic ragdoll behaviour in 4.19 preview

I keep getting erratic ragdoll behaviour in all versions of 4.19 preview (from preview 1 to preview 6).

It manifests itself as weird random impulses sending ragdoll in random direction at the moment of going from animation to ragdoll (basically, when you set SetSimulatePhysics(true)). The random impulse is large enough to move a Mannequin several meters away very quickly. Seems like the random impulse is always directed downward or sideways, but never up.

It happens in only 20% of cases or so. For example, if I trigger ragdoll 10 times, the problem appears approximately 2 times. In other 8 cases, ragdoll behaves correctly. This equally affects all kinds of ragdolls with very different skeletons and different physics assets (in my project, from humanoids to animals).

I get this problem both on Windows and on MacOS, both in Editor and in packaged game builds.
I never had this problem with 4.17 or 4.18.

Does anyone else get this problem with ragdolls in 4.19 preview? Before trying to narrow this down to a small test project, I would really like to know if there is indeed a problem with engine rather then just my project code.


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Looks like this was a bug in my code.

When triggering ragdoll, I called SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics() before SetSimulatePhysics(true). After removing the call to SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics(), ragdoll works correctly.

I think you can mark this question as resolved.