SpawnActor warnings

LogSpawn: Warning: SpawnActor failed because of collision at the spawn location [X=314.731 Y=1027.937 Z=1277.334] for [bsBall_Player_C]
LogGameMode: Warning: SpawnDefaultPawnAtTransform: Couldn’t spawn Pawn of type bsBall_Player_C at Rotation: Pitch 0.000000 Yaw -123.606743 Roll 0.000000

I can’t figure out what is causing this warning in the output log. Is this warning coming from bsBall_Player_C or is it trying to spawn bsBall_Player_C? I can’t find it, any tips?

Try this:

Figured it out, turns out the gamemode actor tries to spawn whatever your default pawn class is. If you just set that to none, it won’t try to spawn this warning.

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Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this. It solved my problem!!!