Macbook Pro touchpad two finger click and drag not rotating the viewport


I’m having an issue with UE4 and Macbook Pro touchpad: I installed the Unreal Engine and created basic C++ project with starter content, at first everything was fine and functioned as expected, but then out of blue I noticed that when doing a two finger click and dragging inside the viewport - the viewport camera won’t rotate as described in the documentation (Viewport Controls | Unreal Engine Documentation) - instead it pans left, right, up and down - but using magic mouse it functions as expected.

Left clicking/one finger click and drag, on the touchpad, rotates the camera/viewport left and right and move backwards and forwards - but no up or down rotation.

Apparently UE4 for some reason treats touchpad two finger click as LMB + RMB (sees it as both mouse buttons being clicked together)

I have tried to completely remove the Unreal Engine and reinstall it - no luck.

Edit: Sometimes even magic mouse does not work as expected - i.e. right click moves the camera up, down, left and right, but not rotates - but after turning Bluetooth off and on again it works fine.

Device: Macbook Pro 15 (mid 2017) - macOS 10.13.3
Unreal Engine 4.18.3

Any suggestions/help really appreciated.
Thank you!


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Thank you - will do!