How to create a speedometer

Hi i am trying to create a speedometer in unreal engine 4. I am relatively new at using unreal engine 4 i know the basics. I have looked for many tutorials but failed to find any that can help me create a speedometer for a vehicle. I would really appreciate if anyone could assist me with this. Thank you

have you tried getting the velocity. that seems like the simplest method

I tried to create a widget for it then following a similar tutorial for a character but it all went wrong. Its really confusing for a vehicle.

I found a solution on how to create a speedometer for a vehicle as ThompsonN13 said i tried getting the velocity. Following this tutorial How To Create A Speedometer in Unreal Engine 4 (Quick Version) - YouTube i was able to get a fully working speedometer. The only thing i did different was instead of casting to character i casted to wheel vehicle and the angle of the needle for me was 0.2x as well as 0.9y. I converted to KM/H by multiplying by 0.036 instead of dividing. Thanks again. Ue4 is a pain to learn but you can get there i mean if i did you can as well.