PlayerController Blueprint Components Mode crash

Hi there,

So to explain my problem, I added two Box Components to my PlayerController blueprint just for testing purposes and forgot to remove them.

I just noticed them now but I can’t access the Components mode to remove them since it just crash the editor. I tried to see if I could remove them from some other places like the Graph mode but that’s not possible.

By the way my construction script is empty.

Do I have to redo my blueprint to fix that or is there an other way?

Here is the crash log I get when I’m trying to access the Components Mode :


Unknown exception - code 00000001 (first/second chance not available)

Cast of NULL to LocalPlayer failed

KERNELBASE + 37901 bytes
UE4Editor_Core + 3009507 bytes
UE4Editor_Core + 1775850 bytes
UE4Editor_CoreUObject + 317323 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 3195802 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 5742305 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 1071907 bytes
UE4Editor_CoreUObject + 1262075 bytes
UE4Editor_CoreUObject + 1319538 bytes
UE4Editor_CoreUObject + 1324507 bytes
UE4Editor_CoreUObject + 1263368 bytes
UE4Editor_CoreUObject + 1324507 bytes
UE4Editor_CoreUObject + 1322544 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 1613887 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 15975348 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 1680900 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 5849764 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 1494008 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 8556166 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 8626864 bytes
UE4Editor_Core + 446882 bytes
UE4Editor_Core + 447325 bytes
UE4Editor_Core + 520122 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 8981801 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 8858064 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 8901434 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 4918534 bytes
UE4Editor_Engine + 4938403 bytes
UE4Editor_Kismet + 2704088 bytes
UE4Editor_UnrealEd + 1520440 bytes
UE4Editor_UnrealEd + 5564758 bytes
UE4Editor!FEngineLoop::Tick() + 3410 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.3\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launchengineloop.cpp:2084]
UE4Editor!GuardedMain() + 476 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.3\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\launch.cpp:133]
UE4Editor!GuardedMainWrapper() + 26 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.3\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:125]
UE4Editor!WinMain() + 249 bytes [d:\buildfarm\buildmachine_++depot+ue4-releases+4.3\engine\source\runtime\launch\private\windows\launchwindows.cpp:207]
UE4Editor!__tmainCRTStartup() + 329 bytes [f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c:618]

Howdy Fauzruk,

Thank you for reporting your issue. If possible, could you attach your DXdiag and any log file associated with the project that is crashing? Also, is there a repro that we could use so that we may be able to see exactly what is occurring.

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

Sure here they are. I answered it to the wrong post by mistake to Adam Davis here so I hope I didn’t create too much trouble. Sorry again :confused:

Would you happen to have a simple step by step repro of the issue that you are seeing? I have attempted to try and recreate the issue but have been unsuccessful so far.


Hey Fauzruk,

Just wanted to check in with you and see if the issue is still occurring for you. I attempted to recreate the crash but have been unsuccessful. Would you be able to provide a step by step reproduction of the issue so that I may be able to reproduce it on my end?


Hello Sean, I just tried again right now and that’s pretty weird because the problem seems to be gone now and I had it like 2 days ago.

Maybe that was fixed in the last patch you did (the 700mb path or something).

Glad to hear! I am going to close this issue for the time being for tracking purposes. If this issue does occur in the future, please feel free to reopen it so that we may further investigate.

Thanks and have a great day!