iOS In App Purchase Testing Failed


My test project is running on UE4 4.18.3 Xcode 9.2.0. Currently building/packaging with a 2016 MBP.

I am attempting to test iOS in app purchases by launching on a 2015 12.9" iPad Pro (added in provision) with a shipping configuration and dev certificate/provision. The OnlineSubSystem config is at the path /Game/Config/IOS/IOSEngine.ini.

I am unable to find official documentation on exactly what “show external login ui” does, but according to multiple forum threads and the match3 source code, it logs the player in(?). Whenever I launch to the device, “show external login ui” always executes successfully (with the print “successfully logged in” sanity check), but the “make in app purchase” node always fails. I also tried using the “read in app purchase information” node, but similarly fails.

Lastly, I also tried (all fails):

  • Packaging ipa with shipping config
    and dist certificate/provision (for
    distribution checked), uploading to
    testflight, and downloading app from

  • Packaging ipa and loading onto device with Xcode with shipping
    config and dev certificate/provision
    (for distribution checked and

  • Packaging ipa and loading onto device with Xcode with dev config and
    dev certificate/provision (for
    distribution checked and unchecked)

  • Packaging ipa and loading onto device with Xcode with dev config and
    dist certificate/provision (learned
    the hard way that loading ipa with a
    distribution certificate/provision
    will always fail because of codesign)

I am at a loss as to why this set up is not working. Any help is greatly appreciated!