How to generate a random, procedural world


firstly, excuse my english, if you want to answer and you don’t understand a part, please tell me :slight_smile:

I don’t know much about development, but I’d like to generate, each time I create a new game, a random and unique world. In first time, just a non textured world, but the idea is to create an open world, with specifics biomes. I think i can compare what i want with “minecraft” (but i don’t want the cubic aspect, i want it smooth and “cartoon” style), maybe it’s closer of “Astroneer”

I don’t no at all how to proceed, how it works and what i need to do that, so if you can explain to me how worlds like that are created (I don’t think it’s easy but there is maybe an easy prefab or something), it would be very cool :slight_smile:

hope it was clear and thank you !

generation of a whole world is a very complex subject and one that is beyond the scope of the answerhub. what i would suggest is to learn some basics of procedural generation then build from there. below ill link a few videos on procedural generation that may help get you started.

I’ll start here, thank you !

Did it work for you?

To create a procedural world like Minecraft you will need to use Perlin Noise, it is like white noise, but with a smooth variation.

You can follow the same steps than these video series but using Unreal:

As far as I know there is not a 2D or 3D Perlin Noise function in the Engine (I have only seen 1D function), but there are some plugins in the Marketplace with these functions and C free libraries to use.

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