Anim Distance Matching Plugin

Found this “Anim Distance Matching Plugin” in the list of built-in plugins.

Can’t find any documentation about it, any hints or links would be appreciated very much. I wasn’t able to spot the difference after turning it ON, so I’m not sure does it do anything at all, since I could not find plugin folder in the project folder or engine folder.

Thank you!

I have searched more and found out that it is a placeholder for a future plugin, I guess it is based on Distance matching technique used for paragon locomotion, which you can check out in “Bringing a hero from paragon to life with ue4” presentation by Laurent Delayen.

So, this is not today, but it is awesome to see that there are plans to bring it as a plugin, cool.

Could you share the link to this info you found? I’m curious what the anticipated release date is for this plugin.

The Unreal team talk about the Distance Matching plugin a little bit in this Animation Live-Stream

… place holder… it’s 2020 and we are still coding our own…