Is it possible to cull things on specific cameras?

I’m looking to do something with a true first person camera, as in a fully animated body with the camera in the head, which lets you look down and see your body. Is it possible to cull out the head of this character for their first person camera, but have the head appear when viewed through any other camera? Additional bonus question: Is it possible to cull an object or a portion of an object, and leave its shadow unaltered? I wouldn’t want players to see that they’re headless by seeing the shadow.

I’m interested about this issue too.

I don’t do net stuff yet, but when networking, I read that replicating and doing some ownership stuff will allow you to hide bone only for you and not other players. There is also a way to not hide shadow.

BUT for other cameras or even splitscreen, which is what I’m doing, I don’t know. I hope this comment raises this question.