FatalError Attempted seek using thread-specific pak file reader on the wrong thread. Reader for thread 6560 used by thread 5284

This is an Online game,but I meet a fatal error. This is my package Log.

LogPakFile:Error: Attempted seek using thread-specific pak file reader on the wrong thread. Reader for thread 6560 used by thread 5284.

LogPakFile:Error: Attempted serialize using thread-specific pak file reader on the wrong thread. Reader for thread 6560 used by thread 5284.

Warning: ReadFile failed: Count=1024 BufferCount=0 Error=重叠 I/O 操作在进行中。

ReadFile beyond EOF 906698031+8/1620507520 for file …/…/…/FutureClassroom_FC01/Content/Paks/FutureClassroom_FC01-WindowsNoEditor.pak