Some bones in SkelMeshComp not generating overlap

I was following the answer from this thread:

In particular, I have this setup:

I also have bMultiBodyOverlap set to true on the SKMeshComp (from the default 3rd Person Template) I’m overlapping. However, pretty much only these bones generate overlap events:


I was wondering why only these bones are generating overlap events whereas bones like “head” do not. I see nothing different in the Physics Body asset.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I don’t know if this helps, but for me indexes were offset. I had to add 1 to Other Body Index

Unfortunately that still does not work for me. Shooting the head area reports that “pinky_02_l” was hit. Your comment gave me the idea that perhaps I need to add a number to the other body index, although +1 didn’t work. I discovered that the head is at index 48 and pinky_02_l is at 16 giving a difference of 32. However, adding 32 to the other body index fixes the head/pinky problem, it messes up other parts of the body.

In your project that works, were you using the Third Person SK?

OtherBodyIndex is the index of TArray<USkeletalBodySetup*> SkeletalBodySetups in PhysicsAsset, not the index of bone in SkinnedMesh or SketealMeshComponent.