Mac OSX Editor Crash after OpenLevel

I’m baffled by a problem I’m having. We are working on getting our main menu functional in a mixed C++/Blueprint game. When we open a level within the UMG blueprint, the editor crashes and then will never load again. We have to fall back to a previous version of the project and start the loop again. The crash according to XCode, is that our GameMode class will no longer load the PlayerController with this statement:

static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder MyPC(TEXT(“AFPSPlayerController’/Game/Blueprints/BP_FPSPlayerController’”));

We aren’t currently working on GameMode or PlayerController.

I have tried deleting the intermediate and rebuilding, but there is no change, likewise loading the uproject file directly, or opening XCode and running from there. I’ve tried from Epic Launcher too. It’s more like something in the project at a lower level is getting destroyed at the time we execute the Open Level node in the UMG. It’s quite consistent even though we have rebuilt our menu multiple times with similar but of course not identical code. I have regularly used OpenLevel within the C++ code without problems.

The attached error log isn’t meaningful to me and I need help interpreting what it’s trying to tell us.

We are running MacPro, 32GB Ram, XCode 9.0.1, Unreal 4.18.3, OSX 10.13.1

Please let me know what other information we can provide, or places I can look, we don’t have the visibility to get around this.

Edit: I did check that nothing had changed in the paths to the playercontroller BP, at least from what I can tell at the file system browser window (Finder in this case). It all looks normal after this condition begins to happen.

Another interesting thing is that I do successfully OpenLevel from another level to get to the MainMenu level. It doesn’t doesn’t crash nor corrupt the project.

I got around this and I will leave it here if it might help someone who gets in the same predicament.

Though we’ve been working on this game for three years, my game mode C++ class came from an example in the wiki a long time ago. It’s been working fine, but it was wrong. Apparently changes in moving between levels, brought to light the problem. In my world settings, I had the default pawn, hud and game mode classes set to the C++ versions. By changing to the BP children of the C++ classes, and deleting the FClassFinders out of the gamemode constructors, that were attempting to locate those blueprint classes, the game starts and runs normally now.

Basically, by setting the default classes in the project settings, I cleaned out the constructor of game mode and now all works.

I have no idea how it only started to show up at this time.