SoundCue Delay Nodes Going Into Concatenator Appear To Use Overall SoundCue PlaybackTime Instead of Their Child(ren)'s

Symptom: SoundCue Delay Nodes as children of a concatenator appear not to delay for sounds played after the first.


  1. Create new UE 4.18 project using the First Person template (probably doesn’t matter which template as long as you can get a sound file.)
  2. Launch project in editor.
  3. Create new SoundCue blueprint.
  4. Add a Concatenator, and add an extra input for a total of 3.
  5. Add a Delay node, set it’s min and max delay times to 1.
  6. Add a Wave Player node and pick a short sound, such as EngineSounds/WhiteNoise
  7. Wire the Wave Player to the Delay, and the Delay to the first pin of the Concatenator.
  8. Duplicate the Wave Player and Delay, and wire to the next pin of the Concatenator.
  9. Repeat step 8.
  10. Play Cue.

Actual Result:

  • Sound plays 3 times with no delay between plays.

Expected Result

  • 1 second delay
  • Sound plays
  • 1 second delay
  • Sound plays
  • 1 second delay
  • Sound plays

Here’s a screen shot of a setup that produces the above symptom:

Set the delay of the third input to a shorter value than the prior ones.
Only that wave plays, after its delay time.


We’ve recently made a switch to a new bug reporting method using a more structured form. Please visit the link below for more details and report the issue using the new Bug Submission Form. Feel free to continue to use this thread for community discussion around the issue.


Cool, thanks. Submitted!

The BONUS BUG you mentioned is still a thing in Unreal 5.1.1. Concatenating two tracks with delays has only the second track play after a delay.