Rig - Mesh is imported as bones! Why?


Iam using Maya to rig a mech. When rigging in maya, I create groups in outliner to organize my bones, meshes, and constraints. But when I import it to unreal, it creates additional bones in the origin (0,0,0) that doesn’t exists in the rig inside maya!

I moved the bones to the same group of meshes in the example below, same issue. Can anyone provide some light here ?

Hey there, I’m having the same issue. Did you manage to find a solution for it?

Try to detach your meshes from rig hierarchy in maya

Yes, I found a solution.

For some reason, FBX export or Unreal, think groups in your rig is bones. So, before exporting, remove your rig from groups, than export again.

Let me know if this works for you.

I was doing some tests with Stewart rig, and the only way to import effectively in Unreal was to “export All” as fbx just the baked skeleton and the geometry (loosing the blendshapes for eyes and hair). I’m such a newbie of Unreal, I will find a more fine way to export custom rigs once I have more experience. But thanks! :slight_smile:

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