Samsung Odyssey supported in Unreal VR preview?

Hey all, I’m about to upgrade my VR setup with a new Headset (I have a DK2) for my “on the move” presentation for work. I was wondering if somebody tried with the Samsung Odyssey in the VR preview mode in UE4 4.19 if it worked correctly? (a plug and play like the Oculus or Vive, with no glitches or weird warps).


Samsung Odyssey is supported through steam. I have not seen any glitches or weird warps but it crashes on me very often.This is by using the BP template.


Just started testing with the Odessey Plus and the left and right eye images do not line up, so that it looks like I have a vision problem seeing double. Looking with my left eye only my game looks very nice, no screendoor effect. I wonder where to adjust the two images… If this is possible I guess I will need two different versions of the game…