Create Localized asset doesn't give other language options.

Hello, when I right click on a texture that I want to localize, I only get the English(United States) option. I don’t seem to have the other options available. Such as German, Spanish, Russian, and Italian or Greek.

This used to work in an older engine version. 4.13 to be exact.

Did the process of localizing an asset change recently?

It hasn’t changed. Do you have localization data (LocRes files) for your game project? It only shows you the languages that your game has LocRes files for.

Okay, which version did you notice this break for you? It’s still working fine for me.

The menu is built by FAssetContextMenu::MakeAssetLocalizationSubMenu if you wanted to take a look at why it’s failing for you. It basically just calls FInternationalization::GetCulturesWithAvailableLocalization using the paths returned from FPaths::GetGameLocalizationPaths, which is basically the same way we handle finding cultures with available localization in FTextLocalizationManager too.

Hello, I do have a Game.locres file for each of my languages.

Well, last I tried this feature it was in 4.13, I haven’t needed it until now in 4.19. I’ll check what those functions return for me and get back to you on that. Thank you!

I’ll try regenerating fresh cultures and see if that fixes it as well.

I was able to fix this.
I am not sure what was causing the issue.But what was happening was the new localized language which usually gets created in L10N/New_Language_Here folder, wasn’t getting created when a new one was added from ** Menu->Window/Asset Localization Dashboard**.And ,whenever we try to localize an asset(right-click/Asset Localization/Supported_Languages_Here…),it picks all the supported languages from the L10N folder,which never got created in the first place.
So I manually create a new folder with the language spl Name,which can be got from localization dashboard(eg.French = fr-FR) and then onward in Asset Localization, the supported languages started to appear.

Please note,I am not sure if this is the right fix,but right now it serves my need.

I also have this problem and creating the folder manually doesn’t work. My text translations work but i cannot create localized assets. 4.27 here.

I know this reply is a little late, but maybe this helps someone. I ran into the same problem; only “English” was available when I choose “Create Localized Asset”. Other languages became available after I compiled the languages in the Localization Dashboard.

I tried that like 20 times and only english is showing up… Someone can help?

I am having the same issue. Only English is showing up. None of the suggested solutions above doesn’t work…