Questions about Render Movie Settings, layer visibility, etc


Im a very new Unreal user and I have a few questions about Render Movie Settings.

  1. I setup some Layers, to isolate certain objects/actors to render out separately on their own. In the view-port they are isolated/solod out. But when I go to render a sequence to an image sequence/movie, it renders the whole scene. Same things happens if I just used the standard Visibility/Eye toggle in the World Outliner. And again same thing if I just hit the Play/Simulate button. Are these visibility options only for the GUI? Is my only option is to delete everything I dont want and render that out? Seems it will be very tedious, to have to save out a Master scene, and then make separate levels with each object I want to isolate. Especially if I will need to be iterating a lot. Is there any option or feature I am missing? Like any easy way to hide/disable an object without deleting it?

Edit: Ok I just now see there is an option called “Actor Hidden in Game” Is there an easy way to batch this? Like tie it to something like the layers. So if I want to solo an object, and not need to go into every other single object and disable this option?

  1. Anyway to save Movie Render settings per project or Level? It seems it just keeps the last settings used, no matter if its a new project, or loading a saved project, etc.

I know I have more questions, but cant recall them right now. Thanks for any insight and help.