Accessed none error from image in widget designer


I’m trying to create a grid UI with drag and drop but when I try to remove the image after placing it somewhere else I get the “Accessed none” error. Here is a video what I have now, as you can see it doesn’t delete the previous image. Google Drive: Sign-in

In this image you can see I’m trying to set the images. The first one, for setting the end location, works fine but the second one, for setting the dragged from, gets the error.

This is the DraggableItem_UI function. As you can see in the video the slot image somehow is not valid the second time. ** So my question is, why is “Slot Image” suddenly null?** Any other feedback on these blueprints is also appreciated.

Found the problem. I somehow set the slot image to empty in the selection function that is not posted here. Was looking in the wrong function for the problem.