Overriding BlueprintImplementableEvent in C++ subclass


The base class my class inherits from has a couple methods specified as BlueprintImplementableEvent.
The question is: Can I override those functions?.

I can’t change them to BlueprintNativeEvents, since they are from a Plugin, so if there’s no other way I’ll have to build a custom engine, which is more time, and effort than the only other workaround I could think of (creating a blueprint subclass, which then forwards the events to my native class), but I don’t really like that option either.

If it’s not possible at all, is there any “less hacky” workaround to it?

Thanks for your insights in advance

You can’t. Look in to the plugin code and see where the event is triggered in there, see if methods related to them are virtual, if they are you can override them to inject your code to the event. If you gonna do this remember to call Super of that function or else you gonna block plugin code.

Other option is… modify plugin code :stuck_out_tongue: you are free to do that and thats why you got source access to them. To make things easier place plugin in to you game project directory so plugin will compile with the game instead of the engine.

Modifying plugin code seems to be the way here…I’m still not happy having to manage it myself but it’s way better than doing so with the whole engine source. Thanks for the advice. I’ll try it out right away

You don’t have guarranty that plugin developer will think about all the use cases