HTML5 - Colors are washed out

I am developing an application for HTML5. When running in the engine the colors look fine, however in the browser (Firefox 64-bit) the colors are all a bit washed out. I can’t seem to type any console commands when running in the browser either, and the post processing volume seems to have no affect (I’ve tried setting the saturation to 2 and it has no effect in-browser). I’ve disabled the skylight too, no difference.

I know that the browser has a lot of limitations and the lighting works differently, so I’m thinking that may be why, but I can’t find many other resources on troubleshooting this, anyone have any tips? Thanks!

we had a similar problem with Zen Garden. but, doing the following fixed the issue.

ensure your project is set to “mobile” platform (as opposed to desktop):

  • Project Settings → Project → Target Hardware

in 4.19 – we’ve setup a number of options that are a little more optimal for mobile and browsers configuration.

in Project Settings → Engine → Rendering → Mobile ensure the following are setup like this:

  • enable MobileHDR (i think this was the important flag)
  • disabling vertex fogging (might help with performance - try with either, Zen has this enabled – not checked on)
  • set the max number of CSM cascades to render to 2
  • turn off Mobile MSAA (not supported on HTML5 yet)
  • you can keep CSM shader culling on

hope this helps!