On Clicked UMG Button, won't do what I want.

So I’m trying to make it so that I am setting the projectile initial speed when I click a button in my games UI hud.
When I click nothing happens.

Why are you casting to “Real Dice” after setting projectile movement? How many dice types do you have? What is the dice actor?

Also, don’t think projectile movement works with “physics” enabled, do you have physics enabled on your dice? Rolling dice is a little more complicated than simply giving the dice a “projectile movement” speed when you click a button FYI. What does the set-up look like in the Dice BP for movement?

I probably have the wrong impression of what exactly casting does to be honest.

And I’m having the projectile movement on the dice to simulate a hand rolling of the dice. The projectile movement worked fine with physics enabled without the on clicked script, and I used that same script in the dice blueprint that you see here in the UI blueprint with begin play and it set the initial velocity fine.

The only things I have setup in the Dice blueprint at the moment is setting random rotation at play and sets a random spinning direction over ~1.75 seconds

Heres the dice movement.

Got ya, I’ll try and help later today.

So, the Timeline here is confusing me…you start a timeline of length (1.75 sec) to randomly set the rotation of the dice? So every frame you are choosing to “rotate” the die 3.5 degrees on each axis then set it’s velocity to something random? Every frame? You can’t “set” velocity to something random every frame…the velocity vector will only be going in that direction for one frame then change to another direction at random. I am not sure how this would work to simulate a dice “roll”. Rolling dice collide with the table or whatever you throw them at and “bounce” you would want something more like the FPS projectile from Unreal’s template. I don’t see how this works at all. What does it look like when you use the projectile movement on your die without using the click event to fire it off? Can you get this to execute with a simple keyboard execution?