Epic games installer keeps crashing in mac

I’m attaching the log file below,

here are the last lines of the log file

[2018.03.25-15.09.48:271][251]LogMac: === Critical error: ===
SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x3

[2018.03.25-15.09.48:271][251]LogMac: _ZN20FGenericPlatformMisc14RaiseExceptionEj Address = 0x492998b  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN21FOutputDeviceMacError9SerializeEPKwN13ELogVerbosity4TypeERK5FName Address = 0x4a12411  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN13FOutputDevice4LogfEPKwz Address = 0x4a6e8dd  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN6FDebug12AssertFailedEPKcS1_iPKwz Address = 0x4a2901e  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN23FPatcherApplicationImpl22CreateSelfUpdateWindowEv Address = 0x484700d  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN23FPatcherApplicationImpl21RestoreFromBackgroundEv Address = 0x48463c9  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN10TGraphTaskI15FAsyncGraphTaskE11ExecuteTaskER6TArrayIP14FBaseGraphTask17FDefaultAllocatorEN13ENamedThreads4TypeE Address = 0x49458f8  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN16FNamedTaskThread21ProcessTasksUntilIdleEi Address = 0x493287a  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_ZN23FPatcherApplicationImpl3RunEv Address = 0x483cb90  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
_Z10PortalMainRK10TSharedRefI12IApplicationL7ESPMode0EE Address = 0x48e5ab3  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
-[UE4AppDelegate runApplication] Address = 0x49039da  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
-[UE4AppDelegate runGameThread:] Address = 0x4904b1b  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]

-[FCocoaGameThread main] Address = 0x49ef5a9  (filename not found) [in EpicGamesLauncher-Mac-Shipping]
__NSThread__start__ Address = 0x34f1cee8 (filename not found) [in Foundation]
_pthread_body Address = 0x5aa636c1 (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
_pthread_body Address = 0x5aa6356d (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]
thread_start Address = 0x5aa62c5d (filename not found) [in libsystem_pthread.dylib]

I’m on macOS High Sierra version 10.13.3

I can’t seem to pinpoint why this happens

I’m having the exact same issue and stack trace. Fresh macOS High Sierra, I’ve only installed EpicGamesLauncher, and it crashes on launch. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Note I have not even installed UE4 engine yet.