What happened to USkeletalMesh in UE 4.19?

I’m porting a plugin written for UE 4.16 to UE 4.19, and I’ve seen a lot of things have changed for the class USkeletalMesh (and other related classes).

For example, in UE 4.16 I have:

FStaticLODModel* LodModel = new FStaticLODModel();

In UE 4.19 I can’t see anymore FStaticLODModel, so I thought it has been replaced with FSkeletalMeshLODModel; also the method GetImportedResource() has disappeared in UE 4.19, and the most similar method I found is GetImportedModel().
So the previous two rows may be replaced with:

FSkeletalMeshLODModel* LodModel = new FSkeletalMeshLODModel();

Another thing is, in UE 4.16 I have this piece of code:

LodModel->NumVertices = data->vertexCount;
LodModel->NumTexCoords = 1;

for (uint32_t index = 0; index < data->indexCount; index++)

In UE 4.19 I can’t find the field MultiSizeIndexContainer, but I find an IndexBuffer attribute, so I replaced this snippet with:

LodModel->NumVertices = data->vertexCount;
LodModel->NumTexCoords = 1;

for (uint32_t index = 0; index < data->indexCount; index++)

The last thing (the most critical one) is this piece of code in UE 4.16:

const uint32 vert_flags = FStaticLODModel::EVertexFlags::None | FStaticLODModel::EVertexFlags::UseFullPrecisionUVs;

SkeletalMesh->Skeleton = NewObject<USkeleton>();

In UE 4.19 the method BuildVertexBuffers has disappeared, and I’ve found nothing to replace it… so I just wrote this:

SkeletalMesh->bUseFullPrecisionUVs = true;
SkeletalMesh->bHasVertexColors = false;

SkeletalMesh->Skeleton = NewObject<USkeleton>();

It compiles correctly, but it randomly crashes when cycling on the SkeletalMesh’s IndexBuffer, also whether I’m using the same meshes, so I think there is something I’m not replacing correctly…
May someone help me to understand what has changed in UE 4.19 and how to correctly replace those snippets of code?