Generate Visual Studio Project Files Error

Hey all, I am trying to get the dedicated server running and after editing the target.cs and ServerTarger.cs when I try to generate VS project files it throws this error at me. FYI I am using VS 2015 V3 and UE4.19

ERROR: UnrealBuildTool Exception: Not expecting project Unreal Projects\projectkaa\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\projectkaa.vcxproj to already have a target rules of with configuration name Server (projectkaaTarget) while trying to add: projectkaaServerTarget

I read online that I should delete the Intermediate and Binaries file and generate visual studio files however It only generates the build file inside Intermediate and shoots of same error at me. I tried re-building it from VS but still no difference. Cant find much online about this error

Would be so happy if someone could help!

Thanks in advance!

Did you resolve this issue? I am also having this problem.