Destroy all objects that pass a certain point on Z axis?

There is “Kill Z” in World settings, it will destroy any dynamic object that passes certain threshold on Z axis. Would it help?

if your not going to have anything below that level go into your world settings which is usually in the same area at the details panel and set the killz to the value you want. this should cause any actor that goes below the specified z value to be destroyed.

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beat me to it haha it worked with a cube when i just tested it

I’ve been at this for a while, and I can’t figure out how to do this. I’m making a game where objects fall off the edge. I want to despawn or destroy those objects when they get below something like -100 z value. All the objects that fall belong to a certain blueprint class if that helps. I’m so confused. Thanks in advance. I really appreciate it.

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By the way, for anyone trying to help, I understand how break vector and get the z location and make that part of a branch statement. I just can’t figure out how to destroy the actors after they meet the condition though.

Haha, have been testing it as well. Looks like it works only with things that are physics enabled. Tried to position static objects below it, and they just stay there. Learned some new stuff myself today :slight_smile:

Thank you so much! This was incredibly helpful!!!

Thanks so much!!!

Hey guys, I tried it, and it isn’t working. Upon googling how it works, I believe that the killz option is specifically to kill player characters and npcs if they fall off the edge of the map. I just tried it at several different levels and it isn’t despawning the blueprint object.

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How big of an area are you working with? You could create a volume or somehing similar and destroy any actor that overlaps it

It’s not very big. That’s what I ended up doing. I made a trigger box and “on overlap” was “destroys other object”. Thanks for everything guys :slight_smile: