Help Datasmith .Something went wrong. We were unable to verify your access to the plugin before timing out.

Something went wrong. We were unable to verify your access to the plugin before timing out.

i can´t importer project of 3dmax to Ue4 because have this problem with Datasmith
i need help please

  1. Export the project in udatasmith format in 3dmax
  2. open ue4,
  3. click to import smith data
  4. Select the file that was exported from 3dmax in udatasmith format
  5. i see this problem in the window in ue4 “Something went wrong. We were unable to verify your access to the plugin before timing out.”

Ok so I found a fix I uninstalled Kaspersky completely and now it’s running smoothly.

Hi did you find the fix I am having the same problem…

i closed project. then opened installed addons under engine (now 4.20.3) or how is it called in english and just pressed Update datasmith and it worked! YEAH mafaqa)