How to set a rotation camera that do not affect movement and direction?

Hi everybody, I need some help with letting my character to rotate the camera but not affect the direction from where the character is going… I think its a simple one. Please help!

Its an FPS game so I am using two cameras in exact same position, one that goes with the character movement direction and movement and I want the second one to rotate but not affect character’s direction and movement and still be able to walk, sprint, move righ/left/backward…

Thanks in advance.

I think I sort of understand what you are saying, what you could do is use the Third Person Blueprint and take out the input movements for the camera rotation or I guess make it a fixed camera.

Its not bad idea to take out axis right and forward when turning a camera, but I’m not doing it well… i can turn camera and everything but the direction keeps going to the direction of the camera, I would like to avoid that (when its pressed, then when its unpressed, the camera goes to “pelvis” direction idk… just thinking. Thanks