PSA Do NOT use "." in a name, this causes replication to desync clients

Using 4.19 (Most likely other versions too, but I just now started working on replications so forgive me for not knowing)

Okay, so here is the deal. After a week of not understanding why some components replicated without issues, while other IDENTICAL components would always desync clients, I found the answer:

Using :
ect as names for the components is valid, until you enable replication, then you get this mysterious message, where VIGOROUS google searching leaves you even more confused. (Can we please get better error messages across the board?)
LogNetTraffic: Error: ReadContentBlockHeader: Stably named sub-object not found. Component: [6]TrainingMech_C_0.[28]Leg.L, Actor: TrainingMech_C_0 <-Uh of course its Stably named??? (Created in the components tab IN EDITOR before RUNTIME)

Changing to
LegR allows replication to work

This is in blueprints

Either . needs to be removed from the allowed characters for naming components (and possibly other things) or there needs to be a catch added. Either way… This isn’t fair, as I spent a week (10hr days) tearing a perfectly fine game apart.

This is a game breaking bug, with a stupidly simple fix. Can we please get this recognized?


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