Controlling camera rotation during a Sequence

I want to do somethink like the beginning of Skyrim: we have a first person character that is not able to move, but can rotate the camera to see around (with a yaw limitation, of course).
In my case there is a first person character that has to walk in a corridor and the player can only see around, disabling all other inputs.
I know how to set the yaw limitation, but I still don’t know what is the best approach to do this.
These are the options I see:

  1. Sequencer - but I dunno if it’s possible to allow the player to rotate only the camera with limited yaw, excluding all other inputs
  2. Play the walking animation for a a certain amount of time using a Game Mode that uses another Player Controller. When it reaches a trigger box restores the values and the player can play again.

Is there a better approach than those?