Automatic movement of a static mesh as blueprint

i am quit new and messing around with blueprints. I am not sure wow to make my static mesh to move up and down automatically. When I start the game it shall move up like 1 and then down 1 and repeat it again and agian…
Thats all. I already know how to make my mesh roating automatically.
Tnaks in davance!

one method would be to use a timeline to set the relative location of the mesh. this method allows a great amount of control at to where and how fast the mesh moves. it is also a simple method that doesnt require any movement component.

the basics of what ive shown in the picture below is you have a custom event that activates a flip flip (each time a flip flop is called it switched the output). depending on the output of the flip flop the timeline will either play forwards or in reverse. a timeline is basically a curve that allows you to change a value overtime. in this case i set the timeline to go from 0 to 1 over 3 sec using a float curve. the upgrade pin of the timeline is called every frame so if you connect it to a set location it will make movement look smooth. ok back to the timeline, once you create a curve there will now be a output pin on the node which is that value of the curve you can use this to either directly change a value on the set location or as ive done using the curve value as the alpha for a vector lerp. in the example below i also called the function again when the timeline finished so that the movement would loop. it may sound confusing but its pretty simple. oh also on begin play i also called the event to initially start the loop.