Better way to sit player in chair? Collision?


For a while now I have been trying to create a way to make my player sit in a chair. So far I have tried the method that was recommended to me here:

Basically, I have created an animation of my character sitting in the chair and would play the animation after I got the chairs location and rotation and applied it to my player. This used to work, but after I added AI into the level, the player would stand up and be stuck if the bot collides with the player. Same happens when any form of collision occurs with the player. This probably occurs due to the collision capsule of the player cutting through the chair (and when I turn it off, the player falls through the floor).

Does anyone know of a better way to make the player sit in a chair? Preferably I would like a more dynamic approach where the player is actually physically sitting on it (Ragdoll? Physics Asset?) and not just an animation being played at the location of the chair.

Thanks to anyone that can help! This is actually very important to the game (you’d be sitting during most of it).

Have you tried to change the size of the collision volume while the player is sitting down? And reset it back to normal when he is back on his feet.
Another possible option will be to use two collsion capsules. The one at the root will be your main Volume. The second one will be smaller and cover your player’s Hip to Head. When you are sitting down, disable collision on the big one. Havent tried this one myself. So it may or may not work

To make him actually sit without predefined animation, You will need Inverse Kinematics. I am not sure if UnrealEngine currently has full support for this, but I saw something like this in the content examples (with Oven character).

I have tried using two collision capsules, although only the [ROOT] capsule supplies collision and I fall through the floor when it’s disabled.

I’ll attempt to mess around with IK for the meantime and will report back if I get any progress with it.

Thank you!

Alright, I setup Two-Bone IK nodes inside the animation blueprint and set the end-effectors to move to the location of the sockets I put into the chair’s static mesh. So far this method works quite well!

All I need to do is figure out a way to smoothly transition to the IK position (as the character instantly teleports to the location and back at the moment) and move the collision capsule out of the way so the AI don’t get stuck.

Thank you!

Hi, Did it work?