Jump'n'run - Character face to Movement

I am currently working on a small 2.5D Jump’n’Run Project where I want my character to look right when I run right and look left when I run left.

I tried some results I found by googling but I cant get it to work.

  • Orient Rotation to Movement
  • Rotation Using “Set Actor Rotation”

I hope you can help me

I made a tutorial for this. Time stamps in the description if you want to jump around to specific areas. Hope it helps!

Problem is, you are doing it for a Third Person Project with Mouse Input :S I am doing it for a Jump’n’Run like the old Mario games so I dont have Mouse Input

What input are you using for movement?

D - Run Forward
A - Run Backwards
Spacebar - Jump

I was actually controlling him with keyboard input. I used D-pad arrows, notice the mouse in the screen doesn’t move at all when I demonstrate at the end. It should work just fine with D and A :slight_smile:

You just need to modify some parts of the code to work with 2D so rotation is either 0 or 180 on the Z axis but the basic principles of the set up and functionality remain the same.

Got it to Work, thank you :slight_smile: