Does all mannequin animations work on paragon assets?

I have seen this in lot of assets in marketplace that says “Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes” and all paragon characters has this in their description.
Does this means that I can retarget all animations that works on epic’s default mannequin on to any other “Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes” asset from marketplace? And also vice versa can I retarget all paragon and other animations I buy from marketplace that says “Rigged to Epic Skeleton: Yes” to epic’s default mannequin?

I haven’t tried but yes you should, certain paragon characters have extra bones, physics etc, but you should be able to retarget fairly easily.

Some Paragon characters have the same heirarchy as the standard humanoid rig and they retarget swimmingly as this video shows:

But when you get characters who have different bone structures like Phase has an extra bone called Heart Box between pelvis and spine01, stuff starts breaking:
Supposedly Phase got working all right so maybe the solution in this article will help.

A good video on topic (Phase retargeted) UE4 Tutorial - Paragon Character Retarget onto the Third Person Template in under 10 minutes! - YouTube