Epic Games Launcher not opening on IntelHD

The launcher opens in task manager for a second or two and closes. It never appears on my screen. It worked fine on my older AMD laptop but not my new Intel PC.

Doesn’t start on my Intel HD Graphics too, J3455 processor

Intel GPU have history of not working well with UE4. Launcher is Slate based program so it runs on same subsystems as UE4 so things may fell there.

you should have a dedicated graphics card to run the engine, which intel hd is not. google ue4 recommended spec and you will see that you dont meet the spec and that laptops are not supported.

It’s not a laptop it’s a computer (Intel NUC)

the original question mentioned a laptop so thats why i addressed that. even if your not on a laptop it doesnt matter because you still dont meet the spec. you need a dedicated graphics card or at the least a powerful enough mobile variant. integrated graphics are just to weak. also nucs arent meant for this type of work they generally have weaker and less hardware and their heat dissipation is severely limited. with a nuc you also cannot use a dedicated graphics card unless you opt for one of those external things but who knows how well those work.

the reason integrated graphics dont work well is that its built into the cpu, so it takes performance away from the cpu to render the graphics. this means a slower system and the cpu inst as efficient at rendering graphics as a gpu so overall rendering takes more resources. overall integrated just takes away performance cpu and doesnt do well rendering so its a bad idea all around. i know gpus are expensive right now but you can find some relatively cheap ones on ebay. ive seen 750 ti s on ebay for less than 40usd which is plenty to begin making games in unreal.