Duplicate Landscape in World Composition but only one LandscapeStreamingProxy

Using Unreal Engine Version 4.18.3, I recently saw an issue with my landscape. I had a big landscape in one map and switched that over to World Composition, moving parts of the big landscape into smaller levels and worked with that for a moment.

A few days ago I noticed that I could not sculpt parts of my terrain anymore and saw that it got duplicated somehow without there being a new landscape streaming proxy and without LODs set up at all.

The picture below shows the issue, it is one tile loaded and only one LandscapeStreamingProxy visible but terrain edits are done on a “double” or so.

Not sure how to fix it short of redoing the whole terrain from a saved heightmap…

If you working with world composition system, best and safest way is

  1. remove all levels from your project. All
  2. save all, close project
  3. create new empty level
  4. make it World Composition enabled
  5. import tiled levels
  6. enjoy

If you had levels before, it can be still in memory and can break your world composition system. I had same problem, starting from new (thankfully was not so much here).

Also you can look for another Landscape actor in project, remove it - be sure this is not THIS landscape you use. And remove not need gizmo.

If you want paint, sculpt on landscape, if still problems - go to edit mode first, select landscape from World Outliner, then go to paint mode.

Problem is that I cannot remove all levels from my game because there are placed assets in them, not just terrains and it would remove months of progress from the game.

I do not have landscape actors anymore, only landscape streaming proxies, removed all unneeded ones apart from those that only hold landscape splines that I would need on the landscape.

The issue is still there and short of completely removing the landscape and manually moving the parts to each level, I am at a loss (no I do not have tiled heightmaps, just one big one for the whole map)

I know, this can be pain. It’s why I work on test landscape first I and started few times from new. Post your landscape outiline view, I can try on my side. I had many problems too, it need good workflow from start. And maybe you can remove tiles disabling World Composition, then save all, and restart Unreal. Then start again, make World Composition again and in theory it should find levels in project. But do it with cautions and on project COPY first only and only.

I redid the landscape now and removed all the proxies of the old one, moved the tiles to the right levels and hope it will stay this way. lost a day or two as result but not much more, can be redone…
Was a bit of a radical decision but I lost a tile before and this way I got the nice terrain back for that tile.

Just need to be careful in the future and make proper backups (source control).