Add Jump Animations to already existing Walk/Idle State Machine?

Hi! I created a working state machine for walking/idle animations for my character. Now I was hoping to add two separate jumping animations (one for jumping from the idle pose and one for jumping while moving) but I can’t seem to get it to work. I’ve attached some photos of what my blueprints look like - any help would be appreciated! Let me know if there’s any other info I need to provide!

Note: If I set the “isJumping” boolean to true, then when I play the level she will automatically be doing the idle jump animation and no longer does any of the other animations I’ve set up, so I feel like the issue must be with the boolean… I’m just not sure what it is!!

How are you setting “isJumping” in the event graph?

To be honest, I’m not sure if I am, the only instances of “isJumping” are in these screenshots and it’s initially set as false.

Check this one - just replace InAir for your IsJumping:

oh thank you! do i still put this in the idle jump to idle & idle to idle jump transitions? or does it need to go somewhere else?

i also can’t seem to find “isFalling,” is that something you made?

This graph is goes to the “Event Graph” and not in the “Anim Graph”. Check the tabs.

“isFalling” it’s already defined in the “Movement Component” of the character. So, when you push a wire from “Get Movement Component”, this variable should appear.

Just connect the “SET” of ELDI with the branch in the jumping logic. No need for the custom event.

thank you so much for being so helpful and patient, i really appreciate it;;;

so this is what i have, and i can’t connect the “event blueprint update animation” to the jumping stuff without disconnecting it from the walk/idle stuff. can i use a branch to fix this?

like this? i’m afraid it’s still not working… :frowning:

The exit pin of “SET” to the entry pin of “Branch”

oh my god, it finally works!!! thank you so so much!! my project group & i greatly appreciate all your help :smiley: