Animation montage not blending properly?

I’ve mostly had good results when implementing my animation files. I have it set up following the unreal engine 3rd person tutorial using state machines blends and montages.
I have a problem where it looks like my Run animation is trying to come through the blend… even though I have my shoot animation on a slot that is set up for just the upper body. This slot works with the other animation just fine. but once I get to the full auto shoot montage.

Should I build Shooting into the state machine? Cause right now its a montage… If so How do I do that properly?!

here’s a video of the problem.
alt text

im pretty sure if you change the blend speed in the montage it will fix itself. I think you just need to make it slower.

Ahh… it was the opposite actually… I had to turn the “blend out time” (in the montage asset details panel) all the way off to 0 it was trying to blend the end of the shoot with the beginning of the run. I wish there was a more straightforward way to hook up cartoon animation.


how do I mark this as solved?

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Well since this is still open I’ll ask another question.
In my anim Graph I have 2 blend layers. I have all my running and shooting animation working.
I set up a pose anim file that I want to use to offset the shooting animation at diagonals.
When I blend them it overrides the shooting animation from the first layer.
What is the proper way to set this up?
or is there a better way?
Here is a video of the problem. (ignore the projectile spawn point I’'ll fix that later)