Local Multiplayer Set Input Mode UI Only for Only One Player?

Inside my Controller class I have an InputAction to create a UI Widget. I then call self.SetInputModeUIOnly and add the widget to the Player Screen. This works fine and the UI is only added to the one player who calls it, but then the second player has no control and can’t move. Is there a way to fix that? Switching the order of setting the input mode and adding to the screen doesn’t help and neither does using SetInputModeUIAndGame. I am using Blueprints (BTW), but have been looking for a good reason to transition to C++. Is this the reason I’ve been looking for?

Thanks in advance.

For those running into the same issue, I found a solution. It seems the problem was that in the Controller I was calling SetUserFocus to the widget so that the widget would receive input from the controller. This, however, took away focus for all the other players as well, for some reason. So instead, now I do not give the widget focus but continue to receive Gamepad input in the Controller and then pass that on to the widget if it exists, otherwise to the Character for movement.