AR Kit matching iPhone Camera FOV

I’ve been trying to get the pawn camera in my game to match the field of view on my iPhone X. I’ve manually set it to around 60, but I can tell that objects are not “planted” on the ground when I tilt and move the camera. I’ve tried a few other AR kit apps and they’ve managed to match up with the iPhone camera fairly seamlessly. I’m wondering if there’s some setting that I’m missing, or if there’s some expected update coming in regards to this.

So it turns out that the tracking issue I was having had to do with a camera passthrough material that I was still using to get a ground drop shadow effect. The tracking ended up being better on my old iPhone 6S, which lead me to believe that it was a piece of old code formatted for a different screen ratio that was the root of the problem. After deleting any objects in the scene that had the AR camera passthrough material, the tracking instantly improved on my iPhone X.