Commandline run tries to access non-existent files


I’ve encountered something strange - whenever I try to build light via commandline on a specific computer, I get an error, that I’m missing files from ThirdPersonBP content pack. That wasn’t ever used on this PC with this engine version. Ever. Tested it on clean project with blank preset. Same!

And what with the empty name? Where does it get that?

My commandline:
E:\Grafon\Epic Games\UE_4.18\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor.exe -project=“E:\Unreal\EmptyTest\EmptyTest.uproject” -run=resavepackages -buildlighting -MapsOnly -ProjectOnly -AllowCommandletRendering -map=EmptyTest

I’m using the same commandline on all my projects and it never failed me before.

Screenshot of the console:

Sorry, had to snap it with my camera on multyshot mode, because that thing vanishes within nanoseconds and I can’t find any kind of log. (and -log=“path/to/file.txt” doesn’t work). On the side note - maybe add an exit “press any key” prompt if there are errors in console mode? This is mildly infuriating.

Test project archive: [link text][2]

Is there any way to find out why exactly it tries to find it? There is zero mention of Third Person in this project. It’s a clean, empty project without any content loaded.

It’s the same on .19.
Only on that PC. I guess, network render with my different PC is the practical answer, but what’s going on here exactly? Do I have to reinstall everything UE-related? If so, how do I go about it to make it as clean as possible?