Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property HUDReference from function

I know this has been answered before but I can get it to work through any of the previous posts.

The full error is:
Blueprint Runtime Error: Accessed None trying to read property HUDReference from function: ‘UpdateWorldTemperature’ from node: Set World Temp in graph: UpdateWorldTemperature in object: BP_WeatherManager with description: Accessed None trying to read property HUDReference

I am following a Survival Game Creation Tutorial on YouTube. The part I am getting the error on is in when trying to show the world temperature on the HUD.

This is the part in the Video which others are also having issues with: [UE4 Survival Game - Adding World Temperature (Part 8) - YouTube][1]

Here are snap shots of the relate files:
BP_WeatherManager → Event Begin Then 3 Set HUDReference Then 4

Below is the SetHUDReference code

And here is the code I am pulling from the character GameHUDReference from

Below is the UpdateWorldTemperature code

If anyone could take the time to explain a fix for this so I can continue and learn from this I would be very very very grateful.

Thank you for your time!!!

That just means your character BP hasn’t created the HUD yet before the reference to it is required in the function within BP_WeatherManager. Try throwing a delay into the weather manager right after begin play for like 2 seconds (this is very long but just to see if this is the issue, if that fixes the error then you can make the delay shorter). An alternative approach would be to cast to the WeatherManager from the player character BP once the HUD is created and fire off a custom event in the WeatherManager that runs all those functions. So basically it would replace the “on begin play” node in the weathermanager BP. This way you ensure that the HUD is created BEFORE any of the other functions have a chance to be called.